Listed below are some of the commonly asked questions that you may have regarding your tenancy agreement. If you have any queries please feel free to contact us. Alternatively you can find further information on NSW Fair Trading or Tenants NSW information, advice and advocacy.

How do I report repairs and maintenance?
As a tenant, it is your responsibility to make sure the property is maintain in a good condition and attend to minor updates including replacing light bulbs, changing the smoke detector batteries, general cleaning including windows and routine garden maintenance such as watering, mowing and weeding. For non-urgent repairs or maintenance, please submit a maintenance request form
If it’s an urgent repair, you need to notify us right away to arrange for the matter to be rectified as soon as possible, or you may check your tenancy agreement for the details of the nominated tradesperson to contact.

Can I transfer my lease agreement to another person?
If you wish to transfer your tenancy agreement to another or sub-let the property, you must submit your request in writing to your property manager for approval from the landlord. You will need to provide documents from the prospective tenant or sub-tenant that they have the financial ability to meet rent payments, is of good character and other supporting evidence similar to the process of applying for a property. If you do not have the owner’s approval to transfer the lease or sub-let, you are in breach of the tenancy agreement.

Can I have pets in the property?
You will need to seek approval from the landlord if pets are permitted in the property, and provide details of the pet such as type, breed and age. If you are residing in a strata scheme such as units, apartments, villas or townhouses, the strata scheme by-laws will outline whether pets are permissible or if approval is required from the owners corporation. It is recommended before applying for a property to ask the leasing agents if pets are allowed.

How do I pay rent?
Your rent can be paid by cash or cheque to any ANZ Bank or direct transfer into the nominated bank account listed on your tenancy agreement. Please note that rent must be paid in advance at all times and non-payment of rent is a breach of the tenancy agreement.

I think I’ve missed a rent payment. How can I check?
Anytime you need to check if a rent payment have been paid, or unsure when your rent is paid to, contact us and ask for a copy of your tenant ledger. A tenant ledger will provide a record of when rent was paid, the amount paid and the rent period it is paid for.

I need to move out. How much notice do I have to give?
To end your tenancy agreement, you must provide a written notice to us with required notice period. Depending on your situation, the notice period required may vary. If you want to vacate at the end of the fixed term period, you need to give at least 14 days’ notice. The notice can be given up to and including the last day of the fixed term. If you want to end your tenancy agreement after your lease have expired, and you have not signed another tenancy agreement, you need to provide at least 21 days’ notice. This notice can be given at any time and does not have to line up with the rent payment cycle.

How do I get my bond back?
Before you hand the keys back, arrange a mutually agreed time to do the final outgoing inspection with your property manager. The condition report which was completed at the start of your tenancy agreement will be used to as evidence for damages. If there are no claims to be made on the bond, you should be refunded in full. Some of the reasons that a claim may be lodged against your bond include unpaid rent or water usage, you did not hand back all the keys or locks had to be changed, the property was damaged or the property was not left in a reasonable clean condition apart from general wear and tear. There may be other reasons that a claim can be made against the bond and your property manager will discuss these with you and arrange for you to rectify the issue before making a claim.